Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stan, the Rune of Support

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Meaning: keystone     Phonetic Equivalent: 'st' or 'sht'

There are no Anglo-Saxon, Norwegian or Icelandic poems for this rune.

Cala Gobraith, 2014

Stan sings the siren song of community and
security deep within the human heart,
sowing the need, the craving, for
support, helping us to see we are not secluded and alone.
Stan helps us find stability in the shifting sands of our lives and
shows us the way to find the keystones of our beliefs.

Krasskova sees Stan as a rune that is a truth-teller, cutting through false pretenses and that if it shows up in a divinatory capacity, it is a marker rune that suggests the reader is on the right track of thinking.

Kaldera considers this rune one that can help you find the root of beliefs and conflicts; that it points the way to the 'keystone' of your beliefs. If you can uncover and modify that, then everything that is supported by the 'keystone' changes with it.

For me, this rune is one that can guide you to the 'keystone' of your beliefs and help you to change them. It is also a rune that can be used to offer or add support to workings.

Meditation associations: giant natural arches, support pins that, if pulled out, topple what they were holding together, construction scaffolding, blueprints and schematics.

*Kaldera, R. The Futhork Runes (webpage) http://www.churchofasphodel.org/articles/Futhork_Runes.html

*Krasskova, G. Runes: Theory and Practice. New Page, 2010.

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