Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Ansuzi

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To me, this collective has a pale blue energy. The rune-drakes have powdery blue scales.

Our resident ansuzi are Donia and Ashgar. Donia represents the aspect of Ansuz dealing with learning and study. She pulled her appearance from my mind in the form of Lisa Cuddy, from House, M.D. Her initials are Dn. Ashgar represents the aspect of Ansuz dealing with communication. He has no other appearance than the rune-drake form and his initials are As.

As- Ours is the collective of knowledge, of information and communication. Everything, even those things you consider inanimate and insensate, contain traces of our collective. All things contain or convey information. This is easy to see in things like books or computers. To the person who knows how to listen, even the trees, the rocks, the soil, and the water can convey information. Think of your geologists, who can unlock the knowledge the earth has to offer. Think of your shamans, your herbalists, who can unlock the knowledge the plants have to offer. Knowledge and information is contained in all things.

Dn- Within humans and other biological life, Ansuz is clearly expressed in the capacity for thought, for reasoned action, for memory, and for language, be it verbal or non-verbal. It is how living things store and communicate information. When looking for your own Ansuz energy, think about how you communicate. Are you clever with words? Can you articulate your thoughts effectively? If you cannot articulate effectively, perhaps your Ansuz energy, and therefore your ability to communicate easily, is blocked. Or perhaps you communicate differently. Some people find it hard to convey their thoughts and feelings via normal communication. They do so instead through the medium of art, from the writing of poetry to the crafting of paintings and elaborate sculptures. Writings and art are the legacy people leave behind, one aspect of Othala energy, expressed through our collective's energy.

Questions to consider in working with Ansuz- What does knowledge mean to you? Are there any particular areas of study that come naturally to you? What do you find it easiest to discuss? How do you communicate with others?

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