Friday, January 31, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Ehwazi

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To me, this collective has a dark ruby red energy. The rune-drakes are scaled in dark ruby red.

Our resident ehwazi is Ehwa, yet another who didn't stray far from their collective's name when seeking their own. Ehwa chose Mo'at, from the Avatar movie, to model her appearance after and she can be just as scary when she wants to! Ehwa deals with all aspects of her collective and uses the initials Ew.

Ew- Ehwaz energy is to be found in expressions of social status and hierarchical dominance and submission. It is easy to think that the only thing that matters is how much 'prestige' one has or how high in the hierarchy one is. Not so. There can be no 'high' society without those lower than you. In the ideal society, there is an equal balance of power and responsibility between those of higher status and those of lower status. Nor is anyone 'entitled' to higher status. This should be earned, not expected as a right of being. Nor should there be shame at having or choosing a lower social status. Each person is absolutely necessary. There is a subculture among you today that perhaps all could learn from, a subculture that thrives on the concepts of dominance and submission and sees the inherent values and strengths of each.

Jealousy and envy are dense emotions, Thurisaz energy if you will, that can arise when you have an imbalance in how you view your relative status to others. If you feel they are taking away 'limited' resources, you feel jealous, especially if these resources go to someone new to the group, whom you feel should be lower in the pecking order. If you find yourself coveting another's rightful possessions or their social position, you are in the throes of envy, for these things are indications of social ranking, at least to your own eyes, that you aspire to.

Status is socially defined, sometimes arbitrary and quite often simply subjective. Status is defined by the roles people take on, the masks they wear. Social status is given to doctors and others who have invested many long hours in schooling to gain the Ph.D or M.D. behind their names and the appellation of 'Doctor'. A different type of status is given to those who serve in law enforcement, paramedic or firefighting capacities or those who serve in the military. And, of course, within any organization itself, there is a very specific hierarchy which people are expected to adhere to. Matriarchal and patriarchal family structures have clear pecking orders. Rank and status matter. They may seem arbitrary and subjective, but they serve to create a social cohesion within groups. With greater status should come greater responsibility, a notion often lost in today's societies.

Questions to consider when working with Ehwaz energy- 'What' are you? What roles do you fill in your life? What are your feelings towards 'status' and 'rank'? Are these things important to you or can you take them or leave them? Do you get jealous or envious easily?

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