Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Eihwazi

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To me, this collective has pale silvery energy. The rune-drakes have pale, mirror-reflective silvery scales.

Syren is our resident eihwazi. He is most likely to present in his rune-drake form, with beautiful silvery scales, but occasionally he chooses an appearance that puts me very much in mind of Kevin Spacey.  He uses the initials Sy.

Sy- Many will tell you ours is merely the collective of dealing with a human connection to the divine. That is but one very tiny aspect. All things are connected, in an infinite number of ways. Every action sends out ripples, be they large or small, that affect all the things the initiator is connected to and they, in turn, affect all the things they are connected to and so on. There is a spark of the divine within everything because everything, even the collectives themselves, come from the One Who is All and Nothing. Some of you may choose to see the One as the Universal Life Force or perhaps as an overarching deity. The latter is, perhaps, less the case, if one wished to consider this force God in terms of a personal being. The One, even more than the purest essences of the runai collectives, is impartial, impersonal. The One is living, sentient. It is the One Mind of the alchemists and the essence through which the law of attraction works.

Questions to consider when dealing with Eihwaz energy- How connected are you to the spiritual side of things? In considering that question, consider if you have any abilities that might be considered psychic. Do you trust your intuition? Do you know how you connect with the rest of the world? How strong or weak are the ripples your actions send out? How strong are your ethics and morals, for those are things that may dictate how strong your ripples in the wider world may be?

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