Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Laguzi

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To me, this collective has an azure blue energy. The rune-drakes are scaled in azure blue.

Lyn and Havasu are our resident laguzi. Lyn often presents as a willowy female with pale blond hair and quite often seems rather absent-minded. Lyn represents the aspect of her collective that deals with emotions and emotional flow, as well as with the oceans. She uses her full name. Havasu presents as an older male with steel-grey hair, sometimes also seemingly absent-minded. Havasu represents the aspect of his collective that deals with mist and fog. He uses the initials Hv.

Lyn- Laguz energy is not just water, but embodies the concepts of mental and spiritual flow and the realm of emotion. All things have an element of flow to them, though sometimes this flow gets clogged up. Blood flows through the body, as do electrical currents. Energy of more subtle varieties also flow through the body and these, too, can easily become clogged. Emotional energy is a big one. Do you bottle your anger and sadness? Do you repress your happiness? All emotions are equally valid and each has its proper time and place. It is when emotion is mishandled that problems can arise. It's easier to see this with Thurisaz-governed emotions, but even those governed by Wunjo are prone to clogs and snags. Learning to work with Laguz can help you begin to flow with your emotions, to learn from them, yet not become mired in them.

Tears are your body's natural cleansing. Do not bottle your sadness. Rather, let the tears flow when they come. Do not be afraid to cry. Let your body do what comes naturally and you will find a profound sense of relief and cleansing through the release of your tears, for they wash away that which is no longer necessary for you to hold onto so tightly in your life.

Hv- Water is the essence of life. From the vast oceans to the fluids in your body, most especially blood and tears, Laguz energy surrounds you. All things contain Laguz energy. Plants bring in water for nourishment. Humans and other animals need water to survive as well. Your planet is one swathed in the essence of our collective. Oceans, rivers, streams, lakes.... each of these are Laguz, as are fog, mist and clouds. Take care of these things, for they are the things that take care of you. Spend time by rivers, lakes or the ocean. Clean up the banks or shore where you find litter. Learn the life-cycle of a raindrop, how lake or river water becomes rain. Laguz is water and flow, but water can become icebergs and glaciers. Take the time to learn about the nature of these things as well. See how Laguz becomes Isa and pay attention, for your own Laguz can become crystallized as well. Sometimes this is a good thing, a necessary thing. Yet, at other times, it creates unnecessary burden.

Questions to consider when working with Laguz energy- How do the 'waters' of your life flow? Are they turbulent? Do they go lazily along? Do they bounce between the calm and the rapids? What relation do you have with water itself? Do you stay hydrated?

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