Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Sigeli

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To me, this collective has a reddish-orange energy. The rune-drakes are scaled in reddish-orange.

Our resident sigeli are Frenrith and Brock. Frenrith, also called Fren, has coffee colored skin and reddish-brown hair in his human guise. His eyes, too, are reddish in color. Fren deals with the aspect of his collective that is inherent in how we, as people, maintain (or not) their own personal stores of energy. He uses the initials Fr. Brock, on the other hand, deals with the aspect of his collective that works in conjunction with Hagalaz energy. His is the fury of earthquakes and volcanoes, the energy that is created by the impersonal destructive forces of nature. Brock chooses to appear in his rune-drake form and he uses the initials Bk. As a rune-drake, Brock has a much bulkier body than Fren and a deep, gravelly voice.

Fr- Sigel is the collective dealing with energy, in all its manifestations. In terms of the mind and heart, this can be seen as what motivates a person and where their passions lie. These are the things that 'stoke your fire', so to speak and give you a reason to get up in the morning. We are the flow in the ebb and flow between Sigel and Isa energies and to be sure, both aspects are necessary. There is a time to be all fired up and a time to be chilled out.

Bk- The essence of Sigel is expressed on a large scale in the energy generated. Storms are an impressive play between the hagalazi and the sigeli, generating an amazing amount of energy, both wind and possibly electrical. Earthquakes release seismic energy. Tidal forces are yet another large scale expression of Sigel energy. Our collective is associated with the sun, the ball of energy that provides the impetus for life on your planet. Ours might also be called the collective of life, for all life requires energy. In plants, this is expressed in photosynthesis. In most animals, it is expressed through metabolism, or the conversion of food to energy stores.

Questions to consider when working with Sigel energy- What are your motivations for doing things? What are the drives that push you?  How good is your body at converting energy? Do you have a high or low metabolism?

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