Sunday, January 19, 2014

Beginnings- Finding Your World Tree and Accessing the Rune Gates

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As I've mentioned previously.... the runic energies suffuse everything. They are everywhere, in all things, in both our subjective experiences and our shared experiences. As we go through, you will learn to find the runic energies in everything. How you perceive a collective's energy in, say, a chair or a box or an apple, will reflect the aspects of that collective that most resonate with you. Keep these things in mind! If you can perceive these energies in all things, you can work with them in a magickal context, should you wish! How you choose to weave magick with runic energies will depend on those resonances. There is no right or wrong way, so long as you have a full understanding of yourself and what these collectives mean to you and, of course, you treat them respectfully. Remember always that the runic collectives are comprised of sentient forces who think and act quite differently from people, even if you do have some that choose to appear to you in a human guise. Ill-treating the runic ones can back-fire on you in the most unpleasant of ways.

Nauthizi rune-drake with Nauthiz variant

Finding Your World Tree

You may already have established grounding/centring, journey or meditation practices that you prefer to use. that can be quite easily adapted to working with the runic collectives. What I have outlined here are my personal preferences. If you find them useful, adapt them to your own needs!

For grounding and centring, I used a method of imagining or visualizing my scattered energy being pulled in as if by a magnet located in my heart centre. Music also serves me well as a grounding and centring method. Listening to a purely instrumental version of the song Teardrop by Massive Attack can almost instantly tranquillize me. I have recently learned that the opening theme to the show Star Trek: Voyager can do the same.

So... let's get down to the finding your own personal resonance with the World Tree. Settle down and ground and centre yourself. Open yourself to the imaginal world and state the intention to find your inner access to the World Tree. Allow your mind to ponder this question and see what sort of tree comes to mind. Don't try to force things. Just remain relaxed and focused on your intent. Open yourself as fully as you can to seeing this inner resonance with the World Tree. When you feel things are complete, end your meditation.

Yggdrasil, the Norse World Tree, is generally considered a yew, but many people consider it to represent all trees. No matter what your inner resonance with the World Tree is, it is correct. In addition, the state your tree is in can tell you a lot about yourself. Try this meditation over several days to familiarize yourself with your World Tree resonance.

Accessing the Rune-Gates

I use the World Tree to access the essences of the runic collectives. This exercise is to help you begin exploring the runic collectives and learn how these runes speak to you. I would highly recommend doing this meditation with each rune in turn, journalling your experiences. 

Settle down into a comfortable position, holding onto a representation of the rune you wish to explore. This could be an actual runestone or it could be a card or paper with the rune drawn on it. Ground and centre yourself and call up your link with the World Tree.

Imagine that you are standing at the base of this great tree. State your intention to visit the runic collective of (whichever rune you are working with) to learn what it means to you. Wait a few moments, holding that intention. Do you feel drawn to any particular place on the tree? A hole under the roots, perhaps? Or do you feel drawn to climb the tree? Trust your intuition and follow it. You should be led to an opening. It may be a door with the rune carved in it or it may be an opening with the rune etched around the edges or carved into the bark before the gateway. Go through the gateway and see what images, sensations, feelings, etc. appear to you. What does the realm of the runic collective of your rune of choice look like to you? Spend as much time as you like exploring the area. Delve as deep into the rune as you can. Fifteen minutes is a good minimum time, but longer is, of course, preferable. When you are finished, be sure to thank the collective. At this point you may either choose to return to the tree and find the gate to another collective or you may end the session.

After each meditation, journal about your experience. You should do these meditations often as you progress in your studies to see what new things will come to you.

Now for the fun part!  During the next several posts I will let my runai companions 'speak'. For me, this is not channelling. I prefer to consider myself a 'telegrapher'. Sometimes they share space with me, but I am always in control. More often than not, I am writing what I 'hear', as if someone were sitting next to me, dictating. I suppose it helps to have training as a medical transcriptionist! Each chooses initials, usually based on the name they have chosen for themselves, to denote who is speaking. There are some exceptions to this, most notably with Marcus, one of the thurisazi, who took his initials from his collective- Thz. Quite often, when the runics make themselves known, I perceive them in a rune-drake form. Others prefer a more human appearance and some have even pulled their appearances (and/or their names) from my mind, which can make things quite interesting.... I've included descriptions of how my runics choose to manifest.

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