Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cweorth, the Rune of Wildfire

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Meaning: funeral pyre    Phonetic Equvialent:  'sw'

There are no Anglo-Saxon, Norwegian or Icelandic rune poems for this rune.

Cala Gobraith, 2014

Cweorth is swift death,
calamitous wildfire reducing all to cinders.
Cweorth is the alchemic force of
calcination, a catalyst to change,
consuming the ego in a
conflagration that heals the essence,
changing chaos to catharsis and creating the soul anew.

To Krasskova, Cweorth is a rune that symbolizes dramatic, fiery destruction. She considers it transformation at its most violent, but notes that it can be creative and destructive at the same time and that it will be drawn into your life when balance needs to be restored. It is a cleansing, but oft an uncomfortable one.

Kaldera considers Cweorth to be a rune of purification and destruction; fires hot enough to burn flesh and bone to piles of ash.

For me, this rune is another that reminds me of my favorite 'Auguries' quote. It is the swift and oft violent transformative destruction of a wildifire. It devours all in its path. Misused, this runic energy can be quite dangerous, both to the wielder and to others. Cweorth is the rune best associated with the fires of alchemic calcination. It is a rune of 'death' and 'change', but unlike the slow decay of Ear, that lets things go a little at a time, this rune is one of swift and fiery death, a burning away of impurities. This is one rune that I strongly associate with Loki.
Meditation associations: raging forest fire, Loki in raven cloak, supernova.

*Kaldera, R. The Futhork Runes (webpage)

*Krasskova, G. Runes: Theory and Practice. New Page, 2010.

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