Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Gifui

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To me, this collective has a magenta energy. The rune-drakes have magenta scales.

Our resident gifui are Rufus and Harper. Rufus came to me after I had to give my Maine Coon cat away to a good home because I, myself, was moving to a place he couldn't go. He took the name of my kitty as his own and chose his appearance accordingly. The cat in question was named Rufus Shinra, for a character in the game Final Fantasy VII because he had ginger fur. Rufus the gifui chose to look like Shinra might, were he 'human'. He represents the aspects of generosity and hospitality. He uses the initials Rf. Harper has dark hair, dark eyes and a soothing voice. As his name might suggest, he enjoys singing and telling stories. He represents the aspect of balance and uses the initials Hp.

Rf- All things have a gifting potential. Unfortunately, more often than not, the gifts the natural world gives are taken for granted. Think of the rich abundance of oxygen the trees and plants give you. Likewise, consider the gifts of the earth, in the form of fruits and vegetables that are eaten and wood offered for warmth. Think of the ultimate gift given to you, the gift of life and sustenance provided by the animals. Most who eat meat do not give proper thanks for the necessary lives given so that that meat might be provided. It is a gift, and a right generous one, that the sacrificed creatures offer and they deserve to be honored and thanked. The next time you sit down to a meal, take a moment to offer thanks to the animals (and plants!) that provided that meal to you.

Generosity and hospitality in general seem to be viewed a far cry differently from how most of your ancestors saw it. These were points of honor. Travelers were not turned away, if they came seeking shelter and sustenance. Your societies have become such that you scorn and turn away those who have the misfortune to be without food, shelter, family. Reclaim the honor value your ancestors attached to these virtues. Be generous. Be kind. Offer hospitality when you can.

Gratitude goes hand in hand with generosity. People who are generous tend to be people who are grateful for their abundance. Gratitude, offered honestly, will always work to increase your abundance, so be thankful for each and everything and everyone in your life! Begin your day with a 'thank you' for that day, that you are alive for it. Even when situations seem dire or people seem to get under your skin, take a step back, take a deep breath, and find something in the situation or person to be grateful for. It's there for you to find, if you look and I promise you, spending time focusing on gratitude, even when the world seems at its worst, will brighten your day and bring all manner of good things your way.

Hp- Every runic collective has a 'darker' side and the 'darker' side of Gifu is that we serve as the balancers. Balance is necessary in all things. Systems out of balance fall into stagnation or sheer chaos. Balance is required in social settings so that one side isn't taking advantage of another. All things strive for balance and this aspect of Gifu can also be found in all things. You need merely look to your own bodies, designed to maintain an exquisite state of balance between all its various systems and equipped with all manner of tools to maintain that balance. Remember to maintain balance in your own life. Don't let one area or the other take over. Balance work and rest and fun equally so that you don't get burnt out on life. Never take on so much that you become overbalanced. Learn your limits for maintaining your own emotional or mental balance. Systems out of balance are unhealthy systems in need of firm, loving care to regain equilibrium. Sometimes, what is needed to reestablish balance may seem cruel or harsh. Hunting seasons are a good example of this, where hunters are let in to cull down certain animal populations so that they do not overrun their environment. On a more human note, sometimes people must be culled from ones' life because the relationships have become unbalanced. Often this is because you have learned what you can from one another and it is time for you all to go your separate ways, though it may hurt at the time. People, I've noticed, tend to stay in increasingly unbalanced relationships because they fear the unknown more than they fear the situation they may find themselves in. The unknown can be scary, but it can also provide the restoration of balance you may sorely need.

Questions to consider when working with Gifu energy- What does hospitality mean to you? What does generosity mean to you? How about the balance of exchange? How easily do you give things? How easy do you find it to receive things from others? Are some things easier to give/ receive than other things? If so, what are they and why?

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