To me, this collective has a dark purple energy. The rune-drakes have dark purple scales.
Our resident raidhoi is Ren'ju, who often presents himself in the guise of a scruffy, whip-thin boy around the age of 13, with shaggy, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a very playful nature and represents the aspect of his collective dealing with physical movement. His initials are Rj.
Rj- Raidho energy lives in a thing's capacity for movement and everything has this capacity. Living things, even when at rest, display some measure of movement. They breathe. Blood flows through vessels. Hearts beat. Nerves conduct electrical impulses. The eyes make hundreds of minute movements a minute. Seemingly inanimate objects contain movement too. Sometimes it's easy to see, such as the eddies and ripples of water or the stronger rapids. The ocean caresses the shore in some places, batters it in others. Deeper than that, at the deepest level of being, the quantum level as your science calls it, all things contain atoms, which are in constant movement, no matter how stationary an object might seem.
Raidho energy can be seen in your daily life in your manner of movement and travel. Are you a fairly active person? Do you enjoy walking or running for exercise? How about just simply driving? You may be a mostly sedentary person, but remember, movement is essential for preventing stagnation. No matter how much you might prefer to stay cozy and inactive, be sure to take a least a small walk outside each day and savor the fresh air!
Questions to consider when working with Raidho energy- How active a person are you? Do you enjoy travel? Do you have mobility issues that require you to use a wheelchair or a cane? If so, how do you let those things affect you?
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