Monday, January 27, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Isai

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To me, this collective has a opalescent (pearly white) energy. The rune-drakes have opalescent scales. (pearly white).

Our resident isai chooses simply to use his collective as his name. Isa pulled his 'human' appearance from my mind in the form of Celeborn from Lord of the Rings, though he is more likely to present as a coiled pile of pearly white scales. Isa often speaks slowly in a sleepy voice. He might seem 'slow' by our standards, but it's more that he, and his collective in general, process things in a vastly different manner. Isa represents no particular aspect of his collective and his initials are Is.

Is- The essence of my collective can be found in its most obvious form as things that are stationary. Things that appear not to move, things that seem stable and solid. A thing's Isa essence lies in how stable or stationary it is. Just as Raidho energy can teach you about the movement inherent in all things, Isa energy can teach the stability inherent in all things, Isa is ice. Ours is the energy of the glaciers. We are the slow sleepers. Yet to those who know how to look, even the glaciers move.

We are the essence of autumn's slumber, of winter's sleep, when all things become less active. Everything moves in cycles, a pendulum that swings between our energy and the energy of Sigel, the dynamic force of spring and summer, when things begin to thrive. Times of rest are necessary to all things. Your bodies need sleep in order to thrive. The earth itself needs time to sleep and gather strength.

And yet....  too much Isa energy in terms of mental and emotional realms leads to complacency and stagnation. Just as rest and restoration are necessary, so are the opposite. Are there parts of you that seem frozen, trapped in ice and unchangeable? Behaviours, healthy and unhealthy alike, are things that are encoded in the psyche and quite resistant to change. This is another aspect of your own manifestations of Isa energy. Working with our collective can help you better understand your own resistant-to-change parts and, if they no longer serve you, to begin to thaw them. Isa energy can also be useful to assist in 'locking in' new behaviours.

Questions to consider when working with Isa energy- Have you locked yourself into a cycle of stagnation? Have you built a wall of ice around yourself to keep others away? Are you frozen in your ways, unable to make change easily? What are your rejuvenation processes, that help you find your stasis point?

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