Sunday, January 19, 2014

Altars and Offerings

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As I've worked with the runic collectives, I've come to see them as deities in their own right. They are primal forces that suffuse everything. Even if you never come to see the runic ones in this manner, they are still elemental beings deserving of the same respect and honor you would give any other spirit allies you work with.

Setting up a runic altar is a good idea, if you are going to choose to work with the runai. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Your runic altar should be set in a place where it will not be disturbed by kids, pets or inquisitive visitors.

The altar I have set up for my runics consists of a box that contains my pouches of runes, one of my rune-drake plaques, a variety of things I associate with the different runic collectives- stones, a statue of the Earth Mother that makes me think of Berkana, shells, a screw and bolt, and the like- and a holder for my offering candle. This brings us to another important consideration, that of making offerings.

Ask what the runics would like for offerings and trust your intuition. What is acceptable from me may very well not be what they might wish from you. Each day I light a candle offering. When I light it, I dedicate it to each collective in turn and thank them all for their assistance and guidance. In addition, you may have offerings for specific runics. We have a jar in our house, in the family area, that is dedicated to offerings for our elhazi guardian. We put pretty stones and other small things in the jar. Once filled, the jar and contents are buried and a new one made. My hagalazi companion likes offerings of rock candy. As I said before, just ask and trust your intuition!

All that being said, it behooves the student to begin the exploration of the collectives with a small altar and offering area, which will certainly grow and change as you begin to interact with the collectives. For this basic runic altar, you need a space that will not be disturbed by nosy people or pets. Having an altar cloth is optional. What you do need is a tea light holder, a supply of tea lights and your rune set, be they crafted or purchased.

Setting up a basic altar is nothing more than dedicating a sacred space to put your runes and the candle offering holder. Cleanse the area in whichever fashion you choose.

Before you begin working with any given collective, you should light an offering for that collective. At this time, you may wish to ask for guidance to be given during your meditation work with the collective and to give thanks to that collective for working with you.

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