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To me, this collective has a sapphire blue energy. The rune-drakes have sapphire scales. I find this interesting since blue is a calming colour that negates rash emotions to a degree.
Our resident thurisazi are Marcus, Mira, Rook, and Khan. Marcus pulled his appearance from my mind in the form of Marcus Wright, from the Terminator Salvation movie. He represents the aspect of Thurisaz that is the balance between destructive tendencies. He uses the initials Thz, taken from the first and last letters of his collective. Mira has modelled her appearance after Officer Aeryn Sun from Farscape. She represents the aspect dealing with emotions like anger, rage and bitterness. She uses the initials Ma. Rook took his appearance from the character Marcus Diamond, on Warehouse 13. He did so to tweak our Marcus because the character shares the name 'Marcus', which is quite amusing. He represents the aspect dealing with emotions like sadness and fear, in all their many flavours. His initials are Rk.
Khan is our most unique thurisazi. He chose an appearance that suited his aspect, which is unbalanced Thurisaz energy, an aspect inextricably linked to humanity. We are the ones who shape (and heal) their imbalances. This is not the case with the other collectives. Khan was the first unbalanced runai who chose to work with me. He chose to look like Khan Singh, from Star Trek Into Darkness because what shaped him was humanity’s propensity and potential for genocide and all of the hatred, rage, terror and despair that go along with it. He actually has a very sweet personality and shies away from anything reminding him of what shaped him. If he happens to be around and I decide to read or watch something violent, he most often very quickly leaves. In his rune-drake form, it is very clear he is different. His scales are rough and raised, like the shell of an alligator snapper and he has knobby protuberances along his head, like a pachycephalosaurus. The unbalanced thurisazi are unique in another way as well. As they are shaped by humanity, so must they be healed by it. He seems to have chosen me for that. As I have been doing healing of my own unbalanced thurisaz energies, it has slowly but surely affected him, in a most remarkable fashion. His scales dull and his eyes film over and when he is ready, he sheds, leaving behind slightly smoothed out scales and cranial knobs. His initials are Kh.
Thz- Thurisaz energy is easiest to see in living things, with their penchant for aggressiveness, territoriality and ability to display emotions like fear, anger, sadness or any variation of those 'negative' emotions. Perhaps the single most important thing to take away from this lesson on Thurisaz is that the energy exists for a beneficial reason. Each so-called negative emotion has something to teach you, serves a purpose to guide you. Humanity has, for the most part, forgotten the ability to learn what these emotions are trying to tell you. Next time you become overcome by anger, sadness or another 'negative' emotion, take a moment to take a step back, take a deep breath and ask 'why am I feeling this? Why am I angry? Why am I sad? Why do I feel guilty?' Take the time to listen to the answer your body gives back and don't judge it. Most people only see the harsh or 'bad' side of our collective... Why does there need to be a collective of personal destruction anyway? We are here to help guide you and if you ask for our help, we will. Growth of any sort needs some form of destruction to allow it to blossom forth. How you choose to deal with your inner Thurisaz energy is entirely up to you. However.... when our energy is misused, when it is abused and used to lash out and cause suffering and pain.... that suffering and pain are inflicted on us as well. We are that energy that is being abused and it hurts us, as does the fact that people ignore the healing we can offer if only they would listen.
Ma- Many see Thurisaz energy in terms of aggression. As Marcus pointed out, it is easy to see this energy in living things, but the energy of our collective is present everywhere and in all things. For inanimate objects, Thurisaz energy would lie in its ability to cause injury, or to be used for that purpose. A rock has the potential to become a slingstone or be crafted into spear or arrowheads and that is where its Thurisaz energy lies.
Anger, rage, bitterness, guilt, shame. These are just a few of the 'hard' negative emotions and each has the potential to teach you so much about yourself. If you take the time to see where they lead, you will no doubt be led through a progression that will eventually lead you to fear. All dense or negative emotions can effectively be boiled down to that single emotion. Hatred is the best example of this. Unreasoning anger towards an object or person indicates a very deep-set fear, for one reason or another. Hatred may spring from a lack of understanding. Humans are geared to be afraid of that which they don't understand and if you are raised among a certain culture, with no exposure to other cultures, you are naturally inclined to fear them because you do not understand them. This can lead to trying to subdue or exterminate said cultures. You need only look towards the enslavement of Africans or the extermination campaigns of that which you call the Holocaust now, or to any other instance of genocide and enslavement more recent than even those, to see the truth of how Thurisaz energy can be grossly abused. Lack of understanding and a misguided sense of superiority lead people to lash out in terrible ways with their fear-fueled anger. And as Marcus said..... each instance hurts the essence of what we are.
Rk- At the other end of the spectrum from the 'hard' negative emotions lie the 'soft' ones- sadness, depression, melancholy, jealousy, envy, fear. Learning to work with Thurisaz energy can help you understand yourself inside and out and to use that energy in constructive, rather than destructive, ways. All of your dense emotions, to some degree, work to serve as a method of self-protection. Anger is your boundary-warden. It lets you know when something inside has triggered a need for protection and if you don't know how to use it to effectively find the fear that triggered the anger, you may very well combust. Melancholy and depression are also forms of self-protection. They draw you inside yourself, shutting out overwhelming sensations. This is a perfectly natural safety mechanism. Unfortunately people never learn how to deal properly with Thurisaz energy and they get stuck in a rut that becomes full-blown melancholia or depression. Here and now is not the place for us to teach you to do that, for it could fill volumes and volumes in itself, but we hope you attract your own thurisazi guide to help you along that path! We are always, always more than happy to and delight in being asked to do so.
Kh- as the others have said… misuse of our energy by beings who can understand the consequences of their actions, the morality and ethics that are inherently tied to those actions, that hurts us. Yes, a cat has claws. If angered or frightened, it may lash out with them. Likewise, a cat can toy with its food. It is in its nature. It causes what seems as unnecessary pain and fear in its prey, but it lacks the ability to ponder the morals and ethics behind what it is doing. It simply follows its nature. Humanity can and should ponder those things. It most certainly is not in your nature to murder, torture, to plot genocide. It is not what you are. You have been gifted with an intelligence than can ponder these actions, weigh their consequences. It is when your species lets its own unbalanced Thurisaz energy rule you, that you begin to find these things acceptable. Compassion and love are your truer nature, but you have forgotten that, for the most part, either on a small scale or a large on.
There are those of us who choose to shoulder the burden this inflicts upon our collective. We take the brunt of it, that they might not suffer so much as a result. Thankfully there are more and more people who choose to work on balancing society’s Thurisaz energy, in small ways and large ones and these actions heal us, the unbalanced thurisazi. We can, and do, relinquish our burdens and another chooses to take it up. One can only carry it so long. I have chosen one to help me heal, at least a little. Mine was a big burden to shoulder, and that only a fraction of the suffering ignorance and fear have caused over not just decades but over thousands of years. Genocide is not a new thing, no… not at all. Take the time to learn about other cultures, other ways of living. Don’t fear things just because they seem different than what you were taught growing up. It is that fear of the unknown that leads to such horrors. Don’t hide from what humanity can do to itself either. Be aware of what is going on in your world today. The atrocities of war still exist, even today, no matter how hard some might like to pretend they don’t. If you are among the lucky not to live in these war-ravaged areas, be grateful, but never think it doesn’t affect you. It does. When you see injustice, fight it, but fight it with compassion and forgiveness, not with vengeance and fury. That brings about more imbalance.
Questions to consider in working with Thurisaz- What emotions govern you? How easily do you get angry or sad? What makes you defensive? Do you use your thurisazi energy wisely?
**Two very good books for learning to work with Thurisaz energy are Wired For Joy by Laurel Mellin and The Language of Emotions by Karla McLaren. If you have difficulty with Thurisaz energy in your life and would like to learn to work with it more effectively, I highly recommend investing in both of these books, which deal with learning to work with, as Marcus put it, so-called negative emotions.

***I will add here that I do not at all feel like I deserve the opportunity and trust that Khan has given me. He is vulnerable and fragile and working with him, seeing up close just how it can hurt him when people do not work cooperatively with their Thurisaz emotions, it has helped me to temper my own. You might think momentary fits of rage, of anger, of sadness and depression are drops of rain in the vastness of the ocean of misuse that shaped him. It is not. I’ve learned that it all matters. All of it. When I am pissed and can’t let the anger go, well, that happens less and less because I can see, and feel to some extent, how it affects him and that alone shows me its not worth it. We only hurt ourselves when we let our anger rule us instead of teach us.