Sunday, December 29, 2013

Starstuff and the Essence of Nauthiz

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So many varied traditions say we are the stuff of stars, that we are all connected, that we all have a spark of divinity. I had this brought home to me the other day in a way that I never have before. The lessons are still with me, days later.

Most of the time, for me, meditation means journey-work, guided by me and with a firm development goal. As we progress along this method of working with runic energies, I'll give you several such journey type meditations to work with, should you choose.

The other day, though, I chose to try 'observing' the Observer by visualizing looking at myself as I am here. Once that image is firm in mind, I tried to move a step out, to see the one who was observing that. Usually, I cannot get more than three removes or so from my physical body. This time.... this time was rather different. I found other 'observers', such as my Shadow, a young cub-self, and several more. I slid back and forth between these viewpoints for a while. The further removed I tried to go, the more difficult it became and the more impersonal feeling things became. Not in a bad way, mind. Just very different from the way I am used to feeling.

I became aware of two of my runai companions, two belonging to Nauthiz, and they seemed quite amused. Since I started this work, they have told me that I 'belong' to them, to the nauthizi. I'd never seriously questioned it. That is where I ended up... that next 'observer' stage was within the collective of Nauthiz. They said that was where I belonged. They'd always meant it literally. I belonged there. I managed a further remove, becoming more immersed in the collective and there was such a feeling of connectedness, of love and safety, and an assurance of purpose.

When I wound the meditation down, I took the time before fully ending it, to ask my runai companions what it meant and their response was that everything is of the One and they (or the energy of the Collectives) is what comes after the One. That all things derive from the One through them and so, all things 'belong' to the collective they manifested through.

I've always seen the runai as something greater than even deities, and this explanation makes so much sense to me. It brought a whole new meaning to the notion of being connected to all things and of carrying that spark of divinity within. I now find myself studying people, trying to figure which collective they belong to, and trying to touch that connection shared by all things.

*amused look*  And I am doing a poor job of trying to convey the true wonderment of it all!  That's what I get for being sleepy and feeling shy sharing, but.... the runai can be pushy.

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