Monday, December 23, 2013

Gifu, the Rune of Generosity

Meaning: Gift   Phonetic equivalent: 'g'

Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem

Generosity brings credit and honor, which support one's dignity;
it furnishes help and subsistence to all broken men who are devoid of aught else.

**This rune has no Norwegian or Icelandic poems.

Cala Gobraith, 2009

Golden seeds of generosity and geniality,
gracefully planted, germinate,
growing into glittering, gleaming
gems of laughter and glee that
gladden hearts and gain friends.
Gifu is a gamble that wins
genuine friendship and life-bonds.

Galina Krasskova sees gifting and receiving, sacrifice, balance, union by oath, heart or spirit, (equivalent) exchange, bonds of obligation and partnership as aspects of Gifu.

Aswynn sees in Gifu methods of exchange, of give and take and of complementary balances. Other aspects she associates with Gifu are 'gifts' we are born with such as our talents and predispositions, notions of not taking more than one is willing to give and balanced partnership with deities.

Francis Melville sees in Gifu gift, giving, equivalency, exchange, responsibilities of accepting a gift, mystical union, ritual partnership, opportunity, love matches, sacrifice and obligation. Associations: deity- Odin/Frigga, tree- ash/elm, plant- wild pansy, animal- ox, bird- none, zodiac/astrology- Pisces, color- deep blue, element- water.

Bob Oswald sees gifts, love, partnership, forgiveness, skills, talent and ability, giving or receiving and  obligation as aspects of Gifu. Associations: deity- Odin/Gifjon, tree- elm, plant- heartsease, zodiac- Pisces, color- deep blue, element- air, stone- opal.

For Paxson, Gifu is a rune of generosity, balance in exchange, a rune of the Vanir, exchange of magickal power or energy between people or between gods and people, contracts, agreements, alliances and general good luck.

Gifu, to me, represents generosity, gift-giving, sharing, hospitality, balance of exchange and partnership.
Meditation associations: Gifting, generosity, hospitality, expectation of exchange; not a one way thing, warmth of hearth-fire and warmth of family. Strong association for me with the Rang'moori. Cheerfulness. Smell of cookies baking.

Runes: Theory and Practice, Galina Krasskova
Power and Principles of the Runes, Freya Aswynn
The Book of Runes, Francis Melville
Discovering Runes, Bob Oswald

Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson

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