Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Perthro, the Rune of Probability

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Meaning: lot-box   Phonetic equivalent: 'p'

Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem

Peorth is a source of recreation and
amusement to the great,
where warriors sit blithely together
in the banqueting hall.

**This rune has no Norwegian or Icelandic poems.

Cala Gobraith, 2009

Probability-shuffle is the name of the
perthroi's game, portents of luck;
pendulum swing- back, forth, back, forth-
playfully propelling the future ever forward.
Paradoxical Perthro, granter of luck,
pulsating like a beacon between good and bad,
positive and negative, profit and loss.

Krasskova sees Perthro as a visionary rune, containing all that was, is, and will be. To her, this rune represents all probabilities, possibilities, and memories and can help one to see beyond the temporal, the physical, and the obvious to see what lies beneath.

Among the things Aswynn sees Perthro as are birth/rebirth, collective memory, connection with one's personal Wyrd and the ability to alter probabilities regarding that Wyrd.

Melville sees this rune as mystery, chance, unpredictable events, fault or mistakes exposed, feminine mysteries, the unfolding of fate, karma, initiatory events and incubation. Associations: deity- Nornir, tree- elm, plant- belladonna, animal- woman, bird- heron, astrology- Saturn, color- black, element- water.

To Oswald, this rune represents mystery, chance, a gamble, science and technology, and  mathematical odds. Associations: deity- Frigg, tree- aspen, plant- aconite, astrology- Saturn, color- black, element- water, stone- aquarius. (I thought it odd too, but I double-checked and that's what it says in the book, so I'm not gonna second-guess :/  )

Paxson notes that Perthro is a rune whose original meanings are ambiguous and that it is generally interpreted to mean 'lot-box' or 'dice cup', but also has connotations of childbirth, play and good cheer. She suggests that the best way to learn about this rune from the rune itself, through meditation. For her, Perthro's aspects include games of chance, newborns, destiny, play, a cheerful aspect in regards to fate. In addition, Paxson regards Perthro as the rune of the Runes themselves.

For me, Perthro is a rune of luck, possibility, and probability shuffling.

Meditation associations: Fate, random chance, Seer's path, tricksters, foxes, gambling, a great wheel, a cosmic compass that aligns current probability with many lesser wheels within that re-align as probability levels change, shuffle of cards, gunsmoke, dance with life, threads of fate, vagaries of cosmic wandering, roulette wheel.

Runes: Theory and Practice, Galina Krasskova
Power and Principles of the Runes, Freya Aswynn
The Book of Runes, Francis Melville
Discovering Runes, Bob Oswald

Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson

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