Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ansuz, the Rune of Knowledge

Ansuz, the Rune of Knowledge
Meaning: mouth, god   Phonetic equivalent: 'a'
Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem
The mouth is the source of all language,
a pillar of wisdom and a comfort to wise men,
a blessing and a joy to every knight.
Norwegian Rune Poem
Estuary is the way of most journeys,
but a scabbard is of swords.
Icelandic Rune Poem
God, aged Gautr
and prince of Ásgarðr
and lord of Valhalla.
Cala Gobraith, 2009
Abandon the linear mind
and align with the
authentic truth beyond.
Absorb and accept the abundance of the
Ansuzi, the keepers of knowledge.
Awaken thy divine essence
and attain the entirety of thy true self.
Galina Krasskova sees Ansuz as the breath of Odin. In Ansuz, she sees the ability to find one's voice and as an asset to helping sever unhealthy bonds, patterns and habits.  In addition, she sees it as representing purification and cleansing, expanding consciousness and awareness, understanding and intellect, and the power of words including swearing of oaths.
To Aswynn, Ansuz represents consciousness, intelligence, communication, reasoning ability, higher mental abilities, intellectual learning and abstract thought processes.
Melville sees this rune as representing Odin, god, communication, advice, inspiration, authority, blessing, initiation, divine inspiration, shamanic journeying, wise counsel and deep consideration. Associations: deity- Odin, tree- ash, plant- fly agaric, animal- wolf, bird- raven, zodiac/astrology- Mercury, color- dark blue, element- air.
Oswald sees Ansuz as representing such aspects as a god, a leader, Odin or, reversed, as Loki as messenger of the gods and as trickster, knowledge, wisdom, communication, the mouth, a message, eloquence, divine power, creativity, prophecy and revelation, reason and good advice. Associations: deity- Odin, Eostre, Loki, tree- ash, plant- fly agaric, zodiac/astrology- Venus, color- dark blue, element- air, stone- emerald.
For Diana Paxson, Ansuz's aspects include communication, ties to the god Odin, meaning of language and word-magic.
I see Ansuz's aspects as knowledge, communication and technology.
Meditation associations: Stores of knowledge, such as libraries, books, the scent of books, information, computers, DNA, data transmission,  a Technomancer's synergy, and so, an association with Mercurius.

Runes: Theory and Practice, Galina Krasskova
Power and Principles of the Runes, Freya Aswynn
The Book of Runes, Francis Melville
Discovering Runes, Bob Oswald

Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson

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