Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How It All Started

Several years ago, I awoke to a whole new way of interacting with runic energies, not as merely abstract energies, but as 'collectives' of sentient beings embodying the many different essences of what the rune itself symbolizes. Future posts are not going to focus on the traditional history and lore of the runes. Rather, they will focus on teaching a new way of seeing and working with runic energies- as living, sentient spirit allies. There is little evidence that suggests that the ancient Norse in any way viewed the runes in the manner I will lay out. Personally, I believe some surely must have. That being said, the original history and context of the runes is still quite valuable. The ancestral past is just as important as the progressive future. I highly recommend that you read the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. In addition, I would also strongly encourage you to read Diana Paxson's Taking Up the Runes.

Some rune-workers today, like Galina Krasskova, see the runes as sentient, though not nearly as amiable as I have found them to be. Like learning to work with any area of magick and spirituality, perception plays a big role, as does one's ability to remain open-minded and not completely attached to beliefs. A good friend once told me- there's no such thing as a 'true' belief. Beliefs are mutable and adaptable, though we find it hard to see them so. I hope to challenge you to re-evaluate your own beliefs in regards to the runes and rune-working and perhaps even help you find a new ally or guide along the way.

~Nasmala es'runai!

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