Sunday, December 22, 2013

Kennaz, the Rune of Skill

Meaning: torch     Phonetic equivalent: 'k or hard c'

Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem

The torch is known to every living man by its pale, bright flame;
it always burns where princes sit within.

Norwegian Rune Poem

Ulcer is fatal to children;
death makes a corpse pale.

Icelandic Rune Poem

disease fatal to children
and painful spot
and abode of mortification

Cala Gobraith, 2009

Kennaz- skills and talents,
kernels cast out gently, but firmly. Dance with the
kennazi for they are the
key to unlocking the bounty of the harvest of skills.
Kindled in the mind and heart is the
knack for making things, creating them,
knowing how they need to come together.

Krasskova sees in Kennaz a manifesting of intellectual endeavors, gentle illumination on all levels, mental and shamanic dexterity, centering, health, hospitality, creative fire, fruition of ideas, fine craftsmanship, care in one's work and patient crafting.

To Aswynn, Kennaz represents knowledge in terms of skills, intellect, cunning, specialist knowledge and intuitive knowledge, enthusiasm and inspiration, as well as the transmission of knowledge in terms of training of apprentices.

Melville considers knowledge, skill, controlled energy, successful ideas, painful healing, sexual attraction, spiritual illumination, inner guidance, a torch/light in the darkness, knowing, enlightenment, craftiness, skill and ingenuity or the use of knowledge to achieve specific results as aspects of Kennaz. Melville sees this rune as a tie to Wieland, the god of skills and craftwork. He also suggests that misuse of knowledge can lead to ulceration of the soul, a notion that combines two interpretations of Kennaz (ulcer, knowledge) into a wise warning. Association: deity- Wieland, tree- fir, plant- mullein, animal- none, bird- owl, zodiac/astrology- Venus, color- pink, element- fire/earth.

For Oswald, Kennaz represents a torch, heat and warmth, enlightenment, mental anguish, knowing,  shedding light on ignorance and seeing with true discernment. Association: deity- Heimdall, Freya, Frey, tree- pine, plant- cowslip, astrology- Venus, color- light red, element- fire, stone- bloodstone.

Paxson associates Kennaz with torches, hearth and home, forge-fire, purifying and transforming fire and skills and the learning of said skills.

Kennaz, to me, is a rune of skills and how you use them, cleverness and creativity.

Meditation associations: Artisan plying craft, programmer at computer, forge fire bellows. Dusty parchment, careful patience, skills/talents needed to be creative. Careful and exacting patience. Artistry, craftsmen, smithwork, fireglow of forge.

Runes: Theory and Practice, Galina Krasskova
Power and Principles of the Runes, Freya Aswynn
The Book of Runes, Francis Melville
Discovering Runes, Bob Oswald

Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson

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