Friday, December 20, 2013

Fehu, the Rune of Wealth

Here is a brief overview of the first rune, Fehu. I have included meaning, pronunciation, the original rune poems, a poem of my own construction and the associations of Fehu for myself, and several different authors. For the next several days, I will provide this same information for each of the remaining 31 runes I work with. I hope this begins to give you an idea of just how different some meanings can be for different people, and help you begin to think about what the rune in question might mean to you. 

It is my hope to post a few runes each day, to get through them quicker!
Fehu, the Rune of Wealth
Meaning: Cattle.    Phonetic Equivalent: 'f'
Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem
Wealth is a comfort to all men;
yet must every man bestow it freely,
if he wish to gain honor in the sight of the Lord.
Norwegian Rune Poem
Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen;
the wolf lives in the forest.
Icelandic Rune Poem
Wealth is a
source of discord among kinsmen
and fire of the sea
and path of the serpent.
Cala Gobraith, 2009
Folly of men,
Fehu is. Left unchecked twill fetter mankind,
forcing common sense against desperate need.
Fair trade and fool's gold, wealth be a
fickle mistress, hard to please.
Fehu shapes the future, a bitter
filling for simply living.
Galina Krasskova sees Fehu as luck, wealth and the proper use of wealth, creative energy, expansiveness, excitement, networking and self-appreciation.
To Freya Aswynn, this rune represents wealth, especially movable or perishable wealth, recycling of energy, force/vitality of life and an access to hamingja, or personal power.
For Francis Melville, Fehu is cattle, money, wealth and the energetic signatures of such, connotations of shared wealth, success, status and power. Associations: deity- Frey, tree- elder, plant- stinging nettle, animal- cat, bird- swallow, zodiac- Aries, color- light red, element- fire.
Oswald regards Fehu as wealth, especially movable wealth, fulfillment, cattle, money, sustenance, realized ambition, good health, the energy and hard work that leads to money and emotional and spiritual wealth. Associations: deity- Frey/Freya, tree- elder, plant-nettle, zodiac- Aries, color- light red, element- fire/earth, stone- moss agate.
Diana Paxson sees Fehu as wealth, prosperity and its mixed blessing, generosity, productivity, spiritual/artistic creativity, physical fertility and the ability to create or maintain wealth.
For me, Fehu is all about wealth, in all its many forms, prosperity and self-worth.
Meditation associations: Cowrie shells, barter systems, frustration, debt, bloody sunrise, payment, coins, dragon's hoard, covetousness, self-worth.

Runes: Theory and Practice, Galina Krasskova
Power and Principles of the Runes, Freya Aswynn
The Book of Runes, Francis Melville
Discovering Runes, Bob Oswald
Taking up the Runes, Diana Paxson

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