Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blind as a Perception

People have many, many different ideas about what each rune means and, at times, these interpretations may clash. Each person approaches these energies from their own perceptions. Much of our individual realities are shaped solely from our beliefs and perceptions and each person perceives things slightly different. Take, for instance, something so concrete as the colour of the sky. What colour is it? If you answered 'blue', you'd be both correct and incorrect.

If you can perceive things as most people do, you may share the common perception that the sky is blue. However... what if you are blue-yellow colour blind? What if you are completely colour blind? How about completely blind? See how perceptions change? The sky may be bright blue to you, but white-grey to the completely colour blind person and nothing at all to the blind person. Each answers from their own perceptions and they would each be right!

The same is true, so much more so, when working with energies like the runes. Each one has many different aspects, some of which may come easily to you, some which may take you years to fathom and some may be quite unique to your own interactions with them and would be difficult for others to understand. I hope, over the next few week, to begin to share with you the ways I've learned to work with runes and ways in which you can learn to work with these energies through your own perceptions. For the next several days, I will share with you runic interpretations from a variety of other authors, so as to give you an idea of how varied the perceptions can be. Next, I would like to share with you how you can see the influence of the runic energies in all things and help you begin to work with those energies.After that, I will share with you how I came to work with the runic collectives, and introduce you to each collective in turn.

For those who wish to share the journey, I hope you find joy in the ride!

~Nasmala es'runai!


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