Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Yri

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To me, this collective has a mahogany energy. The rune-drakes have rich mahogony colored scales.

Our resident yri is Grenwick. He has only presented in the rune-drake form, and only very rarely. Grenwick represents the intersection between Kennaz and Yr and uses the initials Gk.

Gk- Many in your world today think that the ability to multi-task is a good thing. On the surface, it may seem so, but you, as a species, are beginning to display a sad lack of the ability to focus and to maintain that focus. Your mind is better geared to work on one or two problems at once, devoting more time, energy and focus to each. The more you pile into an overtaxed brain, the less and less focus and concentration you can reasonably give each task.

Humanity is becoming more and more a species devoted to the notion of immediate results, with the result that less focus is given to learning anything at all. In an age where all memory is stored outside of the self, focus and discipline in study, in jobs, in crafting, and in so many other endeavours, has become of less and less importance. Your ancestors could do things that you, today, would find astounding- feats of memory, feats of strategy, feats of martial or mental prowess that all require weeks, months, years, decades of devoted focus and practice. Sadly…. the price your societies must begin to pay is that of younger generations who have no discipline, no ability to focus, yet still expect to be rewarded the benefits that come with discipline and focus.

Humanity also has a disturbing need to drug those who do not appear to focus their attention in the same manner as the common populace. You label them as being attention-deficit, yet fail to realize that these people can be every bit as focused if you put them in a proper learning environment. People do not all learn the same. A learning style that suits most, decidedly does not suit all. Rather than drugging those labelled ‘attention deficit’ and trying to make them conform to the rules others learn by, take the time instead to interact with them, see how to engage their attention and pull in their focus. Take the time to help them unlock their natural creativity, rather than stifling the bountiful energy that can be put to a different use. One secret to maintaining intense focus is that you absolutely must have the energy to do so.

Questions to consider when working with Yr-  How well do you maintain focus? Do you get easily distracted? Do you fall to the other end of the spectrum of Yr, and often find yourself obsessed with things, to the exclusion of all else?

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