Monday, February 3, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Inguzi

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To me, this collective has a warm, light brown energy. The rune-drakes have light brown scales.

Our resident inguzi are Iggy and Finch. Iggy presents as a young adult male, late twenties in appearance, with coffee colored skin and brown hair. He is often with Mama Mawu and he has a very child-like, innocent temperament. His province is latent potential and he uses the initials Ig. Finch presents as a middle aged woman with blue eyes and blond hair. She deals with all aspects of her collective and uses the initials Fn.

Ig- Berkana is female fertility. Inguz is masculine fertility. We are the seeds in the earth, the acorn that has the potential to become a mighty oak. For our energy to really blossom, we need Berkana energy to nurture it. All things have potential and we represent that potential, but all seeds need a fertile field to grow in or they wither and die and the potential is lost or lies dormant until more nurturing earth becomes available.  You may wonder how things already established can have potential. Here is where it helps to see with the eyes of a child. It's easy to see a tree as the lumber it could become and as all the things that lumber could build. But what about an old tin-can? It could become a piggy bank, a buried treasure chest, a string phone..... the possibilities are endless. All it takes is a sense of wonder to see the potential in all things.

Fn- Inguz energy shows up in humans in a variety of ways. Each child is born with a whole host of latent talents, potential that may lie dormant until it is woken by a chance encounter. Or that latent potential may cry out for acknowledgment, manifesting as clear aptitudes and gifts at a very young age. It is always best to allow your young ones to develop the potential they have. Encourage them to try new things, but do not force them to continue in things they have no true aptitude for. Forcing a linguistically gifted child with a strong imagination to forgo developing artistic and writing skills in favor of math and science or trying to 'encourage' such a person to become a pharmacist, technician, physicist or engineer, instead of letting their gift for art and writing blossom, will leave them feeling discouraged and unworthy, as well as rather unhappy.

Inguz energy also manifests in ideas, little nuggets of insight that you can then mix with Berkana energy to make the most of that seed. Everything- every invention, every story, every movie, every medical innovation- it all starts as an idea in someone's head, as a sketch or outline on paper, that flourishes, or not, with how much attention you give it.

Our energy is also to be found in the parts of you that you repress, that you bury because you either fear those parts or because your life circumstances have told you those parts are 'not important.'  Not so!  All parts of you are equally important. Take some time to look deep inside and see the things you have buried within. Contemplate why you might have done so and what is stopping you from acting from those things now. This aspect is what some would call the Shadow Self. To better learn to deal with this aspect of our collective, find yourself some good books that deal with learning to work with your Shadow and let your full potential bloom!

Questions to consider when working with Inguz energy- Where does your potential lie? What 'seeds' do you have incubating at the moment?

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