Saturday, February 22, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Aci

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To me, this collective has a spring green and light brown energy. The rune-drakes have scales of light green and brown, in a patchwork patterning similar to those of Kennaz and Dagaz.

Our resident aci simply prefers to use the rune’s name as her own. She presents usually just as a felt presence, or else in the rune-drake form. Ac represents the natural world side of her collective. She uses the initials Ac.

Ac- Watch the trees sometime. Just sit among them, listening as they talk to the wind and to one another. You can learn a lot from the trees, not just oak. Oak speaks of strength and endurance, which our collective is all about. However, all trees belong to us. Willow speaks of grace, redwood of hardiness, pines of an everlasting quality and each are things we can teach you, if you are willing to work with us. We can teach  you how to sink you roots deep, to weather all storms with grace and resilience.

We can also teach you to look at the big picture. While trees do not last as long as the mountains, they can endure for centuries, barring misfortune. Be mindful of the trees, of all plants in truth. Cultivate a balance with the natural world. The trees sustain you, providing the necessary oxygen many creatures need to breathe. Don’t destroy greenery just because you can or just because it seems in the way.

Questions to consider when working with Ac energy- What helps ground you? How empathetic are you? How in tune with the environment are you? Do you possess natural grace and resilience or do you need to cultivate them? How patient are you?

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