Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Wunjoi

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To me, this collective has dark pink energy. The rune-drakes have dark pink scales and faces quite reminiscent of an otter.

Our resident wunjoi are Ruby and Rose.  Ruby has dark red hair, speaks with a Texas accent and reminds me a lot of the women in old Western movies that might be found in a bar or tavern. She represents the aspect of pleasure and ecstasy and uses the initials Ru. Rosie is a plump, motherly woman with honey-blonde hair and a ready smile. She represents the aspect of joy and happiness, especially of family, and the aspect that ties Gifu and Wunjo together.  She uses the initials Ro.

Ru-  All living things have the capacity for joy and ecstasy. Children and animals display this more readily than adult humans tend to. Adults lose the sheer pleasure and wonder of the simple joys of life, like chasing fireflies on a summer night or dancing in the snow under a diamond dust sky. Have you ever seen a dog running in a field, chasing a stick, or a cat basking in a sun patch? Take a look at them sometime. You'll find it hard to deny they are joyful. Beware, though, of falling into the trap of thinking only material things can bring you happiness. They may bring the illusion of it, but it is an empty shell of happiness that lacks the ability to sustain itself. Likewise, don't be fooled by the false sense of ecstasy that ingestion of certain drugs may bring about. Like the 'happiness' that comes from material things, the 'ecstasy' that comes from drugs is a hollow thing that cannot sustain itself. Instead, it leaves you craving more and more of the drug til one day, perhaps, it leads to an overdose and ultimately, to death. True joy comes from connection to yourself, to others and to the world around you. I would caution you as well to not be ashamed by what gives you joy, or by what brings you to the edge of ecstasy. There are many people out there with proclivities considered 'unusual' by the majority. Some find pleasure in the giving or receiving of pain, in certain contexts, for example. There are as many possibilities as there are people and, as long as these proclivities are engaged in in a safe and consensual fashion, there's nothing wrong with them. Don't judge the things others find pleasure in. It'll only diminish the amount of joy you are able to draw to yourself.

Ro-  The potential for Wunjo can be found everywhere and in all things. Wunjo energy is quite often tied very closely to Gifu energy. The giving and receiving of gifts (generally) causes joy for both giver and recipient. Rites of gift-giving have been used in countless cultures to cement all manner of social ties, from those between family members to those between nations.  

Questions to consider when working with Wunjo energy- What brings you pleasure in life? Where can you find your ecstasy? What brings joy to your life? How do you, in turn, bring joy to others? How often are you happy? Do you find it easy to find contentment?

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