Monday, February 10, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Perthroi

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To me, this collective has an emerald green energy. The rune-drakes have emerald green scales.

Yvette and Padraig are our resident perthroi. Yvette, in her chosen appearance, puts me in mind of Princess Diana. She has a very playful energy. The aspect Yvette deals with is that of how we, ourselves, initiate probability shuffles and with synchronicity. She uses the initials Yv. Padraig chooses to appear in his rune-drake form. He, like Yvette, also deals with synchronicity and he deals with the order inherent in chaos. Padraig uses the initials Pg.

Yv- As with all of the other collectives, everything that exists has its own measure of Perthro energy. This can be found in objects by what their purpose is, what will be done with them. People, too, can find their Perthro by learning their soul's 'purpose', which can be quite the journey in and of itself. This energy can also be found in the synchronicities you bring into your life. These can be encouragements or warnings. Synchronicity occurs when there are a series of several meaningful, yet unrelated or unconnected incidents in your life that happen rather close together. For instance, say you are looking to buy a new (to you) car, but are perhaps a little short of the necessary cash. Perhaps you see several commercials or advertisements for the type of car you are interested within hours to days of one another. During the same time, you may also come across a flyer or advertisements for a type of loan to help you purchase the car or you may have a friend or acquaintance who knows someone who just happens to be selling the same kind of car for much cheaper.  It's easy to begin to establish meaningful synchronicities in your own life by choosing two objects that are uncommon to your environment or day to day life. Set the intention to see an abundance of one of these objects when things in your life are going good and the second to be your warning, a sign you need to slow down and re-evaluate things. For instance, you may choose palm trees as your 'positive' sign and pirate flags as your 'warning' sign, provided you do not see a lot of these things in everyday life. A person living in Florida or California would not benefit from having a palm tree as a 'positive' sign because they are prevalent in the environment. These signs may come as tangible objects- a live palm tree or a physical pirate flag- or they may be seen on TV, in a book or magazine or verbally spoken in some format, be it in a song, on TV or mentioned by passersby.

Pd- Many consider ours to be the collective of 'fate', but what is 'fate', really? For most people, this word has connotations of that which is inevitable, that which cannot be changed, yet the very nature of our collective is working the odds. Nothing, nothing at all is firmly set in stone. It's all about changing your odds and you, alone, have the key to doing that. There is nothing that is impossible, but many things are deemed improbable and it is only thinking that makes it so. If you focus your positive intentions on a goal, you will steadily increase your odds and you can go from a zero probability to 100 % probable. By focusing your intentions on something, you increase the probability of generating it in your own life. That's why it is very important to focus positive intentions towards things. If you focus negative energy on something, you increase the probability of generating that bad thing into your life. If you've ever woken in a grumpy mood, you'll understand what I mean. Waking up in a foul mood puts a dark cast over everything that then happens in your day. Your own bad mood will increase the odds of 'bad' things happening in your life.

Questions to consider when working with Perthro energy- Where does your luck lie? How do you initiate probability shuffles? Do you have an understanding of your 'purpose' in life?

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