Saturday, March 1, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Osi

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To me, this collective has a pale blue energy, that is slightly darker than the colour of Ansuz. The rune-drakes have powdery-blue scales, also darker than the ansuzi.

Our resident osi is Selena. She pulled her form from my mind, choosing to look like Seven of Nine, from Star Trek: Voyager. She represents the aspect of her collective that deals with learning to effectively speak one’s own truth. She uses the intials Sl.

Sl- Contrary to the belief of many, wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing. You may have a wealth of knowledge, but if you do not know how to apply it efficiently, you lack wisdom. You may also possess little ‘knowledge’, yet be a very wise person. Wisdom comes from cultivating effective communication skills, learning to see the big picture and, above all else, realizing that each and every person is living their own truth, which may not be the same as your own. Truth is still simply a matter of perception and all living things function from different perceptions, which are shaped by beliefs. There is no such thing as a true belief. Realizing and embracing this fact is a true mark of wisdom. It frees you to not have to be ‘right’, nor to make others ‘wrong’, simply because they do not share your beliefs. A person’s beliefs are shaped by their experiences, most of which are subjective. This includes things that might, at first, seem quite external. Lady Cala has already given an excellent example regarding how different conditions can cause a human to perceive the sky quite differently. Absolutely everything in this world, and all others, is the same. Perceptions shape beliefs, beliefs shape a person’s reality, but your perceptions do not shape another person’s reality. Learn to be understanding of different ways of being.

Likewise, learn to speak your own truth without fear. It is yours. Own it. Embrace it. Sometimes, this can be very difficult to do, because of pressures to conform. Trust your instincts. Trust yourself. Refrain from buying into, or professing belief in, something you are not confident in. Never let another tell you that your beliefs are wrong, just because they do not share them and cannot fathom them. The most important thing, which should go without saying, is that your beliefs are ethically and morally based, yet even that can be seen as perception.

Questions to consider when working with Os- Do you understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Consider the quote by Socrates- “The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.” What does it mean to you?  How do you speak your own truth? Do you use your words wisely or carelessly? Do you use the knowledge you have gathered wisely or carelessly?

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