Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Dagazi

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To me, this collective has a green energy. The rune-drakes are scaled in patchwork greens.

Our resident dagazi is Daigoro, who chooses to present most often in the rune-drake form, but occasionally as a stocky male of Asian appearance with a completely shaved head. Daigoro represents all aspects of his collective and uses the initials Dg.

Dg- Dagaz is the collective of transformation, the goal of the alchemists. We govern change and all things change. This change may be paired with Sigel and be swift or it may be paired with Isa and be gradual. By its very nature, our collective works in tandem with those of Hagalaz and Thurisaz because there can be no change without some form of destruction. As was mentioned in the section on Hagalaz itself, all destruction heralds rebirth. Dagaz is the heralding of that rebirth.

People age, a slow gradual procession lasting decades. Forest fires sweep through woodlands, leaving them smoldering and ready for new growth. Caterpillars cocoon and emerge as jewel-winged butterflies. Corpses decay to bones. Wood weathers and cracks or is rejuvenated with sealing treatments. Metal rusts. Ore is smelted and forged into tools. Buildings rise and buildings are razed to the ground. Personalities change through time, age, conscious and unconscious effort. Day turns to night and the seasons pass into one another. On the broadest scale of our pairing with Isa, the changes are infinitesimal for the most part- gradual tweaks covering decades or millennia. It should be noted that where we are paired with Isa, transformation is slow and gradual. This is one aspect of the slow sleepers. However, stagnation is another aspect and when our energies meet thus, Isa is the nemesis of Dagaz, that which steadfastly resists change.

Questions to consider when working with Dagaz energy- How have you changed over your life? Have you had any major, abrupt transitions, such as the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, career changes or being caught in the throes of trauma or sickness?

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