Monday, March 3, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Stani

***New Content Added Daily***

To me, this collective has a dark, gunmetal grey colour. The rune-drakes have dark, gunmetal grey scales.

Our resident stani is Soren. He has only ever presented in the rune-drake form. Soren represents the aspect of his collective that deals with core, foundational beliefs. He uses the initials Sr.

Sr- It is funny, isn’t it, how the smallest, seemingly most insignificant of things can have the biggest impact. Much of what any given person believes is built upon deeper beliefs that were forged when they were very young. In some cases, these core beliefs were imprinted when they were still in the womb. Yes, that’s perfectly possible. Everything is energy and energy can easily be imprinted. What a mother feels, so, too, does it get imparted to the child within. If the mother goes through the pregnancy resentful of the child she carries, that gets imprinted and forms a very deep foundational belief, likely of not being good enough, or being unlovable or unwanted. Likewise, a mother who goes through a pregnancy full of joy at the new life she carries will impart that joy to her child, forming a deep belief of being loved, cherished, of being good enough.

If you are lucky to have foundational beliefs that support your behaviours in a beneficial fashion, you’re doing good. My guess is, deep down, there are at least a few foundational beliefs that could do with some changing. Have you ever desired to make a behavioural change, yet seemed unable to get it to stick, no matter what you tried? You may have changed the beliefs closest to those behaviours, but if you don’t change the erroneous foundational belief, the undesired behaviour will inevitably return. Working with Stan energy can help you unearth your foundational beliefs. Once you find them, you can work on changing them, making use of Cweorth energy, of course! You’ll find, once you pull the support that these foundational beliefs provide, that a whole host of beliefs and behaviours go toppling down with them. Be sure to put a beneficial foundation back in place!

Questions to consider when working with Stan- What are the keystones in your life? What beliefs, likely deeply rooted, are the pillars that support all else in your life? Do you need to change these keystone beliefs? Have they become detrimental to your growth and well-being? Do you need additional support in your life at the moment, or to offer it to another? Are you respectful of the keystones in your life, be they people, places, etc.. and of the function they serve, or do you take them for granted, expecting they will always be there just because they always have?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Cweorthi

***New Content Added Daily***

To me, this collective has a vibrant fiery red-orange color. The rune-drakes have fiery red-orange scales.

Our resident Cweorthi is Calciferus, or simply Cal for short. He has only ever appeared in a rune-drake form. Calciferus represents the concept of alchemic calcination, and its function in humanity. He uses the intials Cal.

Cal- Like Ear, our collective is one of death and rebirth, of the more phoenix-flamboyant type. We are swift destruction, we are purifying flame. Sometimes… most of the time… people need a good, swift kick to get them out of a rut. If you ignore early warning signs that change is necessary, you invite greater and greater energetic imbalances. Sooner or later, the energy of our collective will work to set things back to rights.

Wait around for that to happen, and you might not like the results you get. Work actively with the energy of Cweorth and the results are that much greater. Think of it in terms of an accidental wildfire that, while beneficial for future plant growth by culling a dense forest, rages out of control, doing a large amount of collateral damage versus a controlled wildfire, set for the exact same purposes of cleansing and promotion of new growth. With the latter, there is far less unnecessary damage.  Learning the basics of spiritual alchemy, in any flavour, can help you begin to work with the energy of Cweorth in a most beneficial fashion. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Questions to consider when working with Cweorth- Do you have any bad habits that need to be ‘burned away’? Do you often feel as if you are in a rage all the time, or that nothing ever seems to go right for you? Are there any emotional or spiritual impurities that you need to release?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Osi

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To me, this collective has a pale blue energy, that is slightly darker than the colour of Ansuz. The rune-drakes have powdery-blue scales, also darker than the ansuzi.

Our resident osi is Selena. She pulled her form from my mind, choosing to look like Seven of Nine, from Star Trek: Voyager. She represents the aspect of her collective that deals with learning to effectively speak one’s own truth. She uses the intials Sl.

Sl- Contrary to the belief of many, wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing. You may have a wealth of knowledge, but if you do not know how to apply it efficiently, you lack wisdom. You may also possess little ‘knowledge’, yet be a very wise person. Wisdom comes from cultivating effective communication skills, learning to see the big picture and, above all else, realizing that each and every person is living their own truth, which may not be the same as your own. Truth is still simply a matter of perception and all living things function from different perceptions, which are shaped by beliefs. There is no such thing as a true belief. Realizing and embracing this fact is a true mark of wisdom. It frees you to not have to be ‘right’, nor to make others ‘wrong’, simply because they do not share your beliefs. A person’s beliefs are shaped by their experiences, most of which are subjective. This includes things that might, at first, seem quite external. Lady Cala has already given an excellent example regarding how different conditions can cause a human to perceive the sky quite differently. Absolutely everything in this world, and all others, is the same. Perceptions shape beliefs, beliefs shape a person’s reality, but your perceptions do not shape another person’s reality. Learn to be understanding of different ways of being.

Likewise, learn to speak your own truth without fear. It is yours. Own it. Embrace it. Sometimes, this can be very difficult to do, because of pressures to conform. Trust your instincts. Trust yourself. Refrain from buying into, or professing belief in, something you are not confident in. Never let another tell you that your beliefs are wrong, just because they do not share them and cannot fathom them. The most important thing, which should go without saying, is that your beliefs are ethically and morally based, yet even that can be seen as perception.

Questions to consider when working with Os- Do you understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Consider the quote by Socrates- “The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.” What does it mean to you?  How do you speak your own truth? Do you use your words wisely or carelessly? Do you use the knowledge you have gathered wisely or carelessly?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Yri

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To me, this collective has a mahogany energy. The rune-drakes have rich mahogony colored scales.

Our resident yri is Grenwick. He has only presented in the rune-drake form, and only very rarely. Grenwick represents the intersection between Kennaz and Yr and uses the initials Gk.

Gk- Many in your world today think that the ability to multi-task is a good thing. On the surface, it may seem so, but you, as a species, are beginning to display a sad lack of the ability to focus and to maintain that focus. Your mind is better geared to work on one or two problems at once, devoting more time, energy and focus to each. The more you pile into an overtaxed brain, the less and less focus and concentration you can reasonably give each task.

Humanity is becoming more and more a species devoted to the notion of immediate results, with the result that less focus is given to learning anything at all. In an age where all memory is stored outside of the self, focus and discipline in study, in jobs, in crafting, and in so many other endeavours, has become of less and less importance. Your ancestors could do things that you, today, would find astounding- feats of memory, feats of strategy, feats of martial or mental prowess that all require weeks, months, years, decades of devoted focus and practice. Sadly…. the price your societies must begin to pay is that of younger generations who have no discipline, no ability to focus, yet still expect to be rewarded the benefits that come with discipline and focus.

Humanity also has a disturbing need to drug those who do not appear to focus their attention in the same manner as the common populace. You label them as being attention-deficit, yet fail to realize that these people can be every bit as focused if you put them in a proper learning environment. People do not all learn the same. A learning style that suits most, decidedly does not suit all. Rather than drugging those labelled ‘attention deficit’ and trying to make them conform to the rules others learn by, take the time instead to interact with them, see how to engage their attention and pull in their focus. Take the time to help them unlock their natural creativity, rather than stifling the bountiful energy that can be put to a different use. One secret to maintaining intense focus is that you absolutely must have the energy to do so.

Questions to consider when working with Yr-  How well do you maintain focus? Do you get easily distracted? Do you fall to the other end of the spectrum of Yr, and often find yourself obsessed with things, to the exclusion of all else?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Iori

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To me, this collective has a silvery-grey energy. The rune-drakes have silvery-grey scales. Unlike many of the other collectives, these rune-drakes have shorter legs and more muscular bodies. They have craggy horns and broad muzzles similar to that of a python or boa.

Our resident iori are Shiba and Levi. They both took their appearances from my mind. Shiba looks like John Doggett, from The X-Files, while Levi chose to look like Dick Roman, from Supernatural. Shiba represents the aspect of Ior that deals with social boundaries. He uses the initials Sh. Levi represents that aspect dealing with personal boundaries. He uses Lv as his initials.

Lv- Boundaries are important. They help define who you, as a person, are. They delineate where you end and another begins. Maintaining healthy personal boundaries is vitally important, in order not to become overwhelmed by things. Learn to only take on as much as you know you reasonably can. Don’t let others walk over you or take advantage of you. Be firm in setting your own boundaries and learn to say ‘no’ when the situation warrants it. This is an area where our collective, Ior, intersects with Nauthiz. People who have lots of Nauthiz energy, especially if they tend towards the need-providing end of the spectrum, tend to take on far more than they should. As the nauthizi themselves will tell you, care-giver personality or not, it is quite necessary to look to yourself first and foremost and one way to do this is to maintain clear and healthy boundaries. You can’t reasonably take care of the needs of others if you cannot take care of your own first.

Sh- Social boundaries are just as important as personal ones or geographic ones. It is important to remember that, though most boundary lines are seemingly arbitrary, they all serve a vital protective function.  It is also just as important to remember that there will come a time when any boundary need be readjusted, especially if the original ones grew out of fear, malice or hatred. Boundaries between cultures or sub-cultures often form from such notions and, over time, it is necessary for those to be removed or, at the least, made more flexible.  Never allow yourself to remain locked in judgment, ensconced behind boundaries that have long since become obsolete. Never let your fear of overstepping artificial bounds make you sit back in the face of injustice or abuse.

Questions to consider when working with Ior- How well do you enforce your own boundaries? How flexible is your concept of personal boundaries? Are you prone to pushing other people’s boundaries and limits? Do you live or work in a place where physical boundaries must be maintained, such as a hotel, farm, etc.?

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I really enjoy dystopic fiction and this book didn’t disappoint. The people of this world are shunted into five different factions that revolve around five different virtues- Dauntless, Candor, Erudite, Abnegation, and Amity- based on how their ancestors regarded war and how it should be negated.

While this might have started out as a somewhat noble ideal, by the time we join the story, it has morphed into something rather ignoble….  Inculcating behaviours associated with one virtue over any others seems a recipe for disaster and discrimination, and that is exactly what has happened.

I do find it really hard to believe, given the givens of human behaviour and personality, that there are not more people out there who would be considered ‘Divergent’, that is, displaying traits and beliefs of more than one of the five virtues (and a whole host of other virtues too…).

However, all in all, this was a wonderful read. The story is engaging and I am looking forward to reading the next in the series.

Meet the Collectives- The Aci

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To me, this collective has a spring green and light brown energy. The rune-drakes have scales of light green and brown, in a patchwork patterning similar to those of Kennaz and Dagaz.

Our resident aci simply prefers to use the rune’s name as her own. She presents usually just as a felt presence, or else in the rune-drake form. Ac represents the natural world side of her collective. She uses the initials Ac.

Ac- Watch the trees sometime. Just sit among them, listening as they talk to the wind and to one another. You can learn a lot from the trees, not just oak. Oak speaks of strength and endurance, which our collective is all about. However, all trees belong to us. Willow speaks of grace, redwood of hardiness, pines of an everlasting quality and each are things we can teach you, if you are willing to work with us. We can teach  you how to sink you roots deep, to weather all storms with grace and resilience.

We can also teach you to look at the big picture. While trees do not last as long as the mountains, they can endure for centuries, barring misfortune. Be mindful of the trees, of all plants in truth. Cultivate a balance with the natural world. The trees sustain you, providing the necessary oxygen many creatures need to breathe. Don’t destroy greenery just because you can or just because it seems in the way.

Questions to consider when working with Ac energy- What helps ground you? How empathetic are you? How in tune with the environment are you? Do you possess natural grace and resilience or do you need to cultivate them? How patient are you?