Monday, March 3, 2014

Meet the Collectives- The Stani

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To me, this collective has a dark, gunmetal grey colour. The rune-drakes have dark, gunmetal grey scales.

Our resident stani is Soren. He has only ever presented in the rune-drake form. Soren represents the aspect of his collective that deals with core, foundational beliefs. He uses the initials Sr.

Sr- It is funny, isn’t it, how the smallest, seemingly most insignificant of things can have the biggest impact. Much of what any given person believes is built upon deeper beliefs that were forged when they were very young. In some cases, these core beliefs were imprinted when they were still in the womb. Yes, that’s perfectly possible. Everything is energy and energy can easily be imprinted. What a mother feels, so, too, does it get imparted to the child within. If the mother goes through the pregnancy resentful of the child she carries, that gets imprinted and forms a very deep foundational belief, likely of not being good enough, or being unlovable or unwanted. Likewise, a mother who goes through a pregnancy full of joy at the new life she carries will impart that joy to her child, forming a deep belief of being loved, cherished, of being good enough.

If you are lucky to have foundational beliefs that support your behaviours in a beneficial fashion, you’re doing good. My guess is, deep down, there are at least a few foundational beliefs that could do with some changing. Have you ever desired to make a behavioural change, yet seemed unable to get it to stick, no matter what you tried? You may have changed the beliefs closest to those behaviours, but if you don’t change the erroneous foundational belief, the undesired behaviour will inevitably return. Working with Stan energy can help you unearth your foundational beliefs. Once you find them, you can work on changing them, making use of Cweorth energy, of course! You’ll find, once you pull the support that these foundational beliefs provide, that a whole host of beliefs and behaviours go toppling down with them. Be sure to put a beneficial foundation back in place!

Questions to consider when working with Stan- What are the keystones in your life? What beliefs, likely deeply rooted, are the pillars that support all else in your life? Do you need to change these keystone beliefs? Have they become detrimental to your growth and well-being? Do you need additional support in your life at the moment, or to offer it to another? Are you respectful of the keystones in your life, be they people, places, etc.. and of the function they serve, or do you take them for granted, expecting they will always be there just because they always have?

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